
Sunday Drivers

We've decided that Sundays will be devoted to drive-abouts.  We want to get to know our "neighbourhood", and so we've decided to grab Timmy's bevvies and head out to the great blue beyond, a la Warshington-style.

This weekend we headed directly to the shore, about four minutes north of our homestead, and drove southbound along the waterfront.  Our drive concluded with a walk at Valleyview Provincial park, afterwhich we made our way homeward.

The view. Click for larger.

The boy enjoys the view.

L to R - Clyde's better half (har!), not Foxy's better side, and chagrined boy.
The afternoon held another surprise and learning opportunity. Kookum and Mooshum's pig had hung for three days and was ready for butchering.  Tim Turner, the mobile butcher, came out and cut the meat with Mooshum's meat saw and assistance.  We now have a freezer full of pork, with our ham and bacon off to the smoker's at Village Meat Market in Canning, NS.  There the meat will be smoked with delicious local maple, done in time for Christmas Dinner!

Mooshum would like to do a goat and the other pig some time this week, and has asked if I would like to help.  It's a great opportunity to learn, so of course I said yes.

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