
Commenting made easy (hopefully)!

So... there seems to still be some problems with commenting. I've made a few illustrations to help people along.  A brief tutorial on commenting.

1.  At the bottom of each post you will see some characters in green writing. It will look something like this (I was logged in at the time, so my name is there, along with the time.. In your case, it will say "No Comments" or... perhaps if I'm lucky, "24 Comments" or something like that.):

Enter your comment in the "Post a Comment" field (the square box).

 2.  In the "Comment as: Select profile" , select the appropriate option. If you have a google account, or are a Blogspot blogger already, you can log in and post your comment from your account.  If you don't have any of the listed accounts, you can post using your name or anonymously.  If you would like to enter your name, select "Name/URL".  The illustration below should then appear.  Enter your name as you would like it to appear.

 3.  Click on "Continue" and you should see something like this:
This means that I have to approve your post. I do this because I've eliminated the security feature which (hopefully) prevents bots from leaving random comments. For you eagle-eyed peeps, I posted a test comment with the name Dr. P.D. Wright instead of the name I entered in step 2.  When you click the "comment" button, the name will be the same in both steps.

Does this make sense?

If we're still having problems, you can send your comments to Occidental.Acres@yahoo.ca and I can post them anonymously.

Either that, or you can simply put your name at the bottom of  your comment if unable to put your name in the appropriate field as per the instructions below.

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