
Ain't no skool learnin' today, y'all.

The following conversation took place this morning.  Names and places have been changed to protect the innocent.

Phone rings:
"Good morning, Kookum"
"Hello. I hope I didn't wake you. Did you know school is cancelled today?"
"Uh, no. We've been up for quite some time.  How did you know that?"
"Don't you listen to the radio?"

*Light bulb*

So THAT'S why my mother would listen to the radio in the morning...I simply checked the forecast online at 4am.  Next time they're predicting this type of weather I'll be sure to check the CBC Storm Centre page closer to wake-up time.

We're supposed to get 15cm of snow, with some rain falling on top of that.  Although there's not much for wind, the weather peeps are calling this a bit of a storm.  Should be an interesting day, perhaps we'll head out to the library sooner rather than later to return our (overdue) books.


Alright, here's the scoop on stormageddon/snowpocalypse  - it's not windy, but it's snowing. It's wet. It's slickery. In fact, it's not unlike a Seattle/PNW/Vancouver/Lower Mainland kind of snow.  Except people here are not quite paralyzed, but merely driving quite slowly or walking.  You hear that? People are going about their business, but they're walking.  Crazy!

I drove down to the library and to drop off a package at Allen's Ho-Har (home hardware).  We're supposed to get 15cms of the sticky stuff today. Despite having snow tires on the car, I will likely not go out again. Yup, it's that kind o' day.

PS. I like it when people drive by our house with their tractors.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning to you all. Enjoying your blog once again. Thanks for the updates. Its entertaining and makes me wish I was there.
